Monday, August 19, 2019

The Seven Mountains 

The Kingdom of God is huge according to Lance Wallnau .

He breaks it down to 

7 Mountains that have powerful influence, over nations. 

1. Church/ Religion


4. Arts



7.Buisniess / Finance

If the churches would rise and take the Mountains , we Change nationa and make disciples...

But for Generations we focused only on one Mountain  Church/Religion  

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Hot!! Climate change?

It’s really hot! Today seems like everyday!! Puts people in a bad mood !! Put if you read your word and keep your discipline in prayer!! You will have peace and JOY!! Honestly it’s feels good when you are part of a prayer team.

It’s like a headge of protection around you all the time!!! Austin TX !! Its a going to be known as a GOD city...from the north,south, east, west!! Give up the sons and Daughters, and the finances that belong to YOU that flow down to us!!  

Is it hot cause of climate change !!! Or cause Austin is about to explode with revival!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

New season 

I feel alive again today I feel hopeful again today that’s all because of Jesus I think the Lord for his mercy and grace I think I have a clearer understanding of grace.