8 years ago i was rejected 9 times by Caren Lujan, She Ran from me 12 times.....she almost called the Senior Pastor to report Harrasment on me... i had so many people come agianst me saying she is not the ONE!!
BUT my mom Said Mejo , A man has to FIGHT for what he THINKS IS HIS !!!Texans Say REMEBER THE ALAMO!!! Marines Say SEMPER FIDELIS.....Charlie Says "ME LOVE GURL"!!! Hubba BUBBA!!! BUT the BIBLE Say "LOVE CONQUERS ALL" and i was BLESSED when Finally her walls came crumbling down when i blew her a KISS and Wink!! it's the International Sign in all Nationalities to i love you!!. WOW and Eight Years later i am a BETTER MAN!! i truly understand what Delicious HOME COOKING IS!!! That LOVE GROWS EVERY DAY as you nurture it and Grows Stronger after Every Battle !! the BOND THICKENS every Day........My Heart says I LOVE YOU CAREN LUJAN Happy 8th Anniversary HONEY BUNNY!!! Te AMO!